verification Fourier amplitude spectrum of OpenSeismoMatlab
Analyses of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier Amplitude Spectra, Part H - Accelerograms IIH115 through IIH126, California Institute of Technology, Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory, Report No. EERl 74-100, 1974.
Verify the Fourier amplitude spectrum at page 12 of the above reference for the San Fernando earthquake, Feb 9, 1971, 0600 PST, IVH115 71.024.0 15250 Ventura BLVD., basement, Los Angeles, Cal. Component N11E.
Earthquake motion
Load earthquake data
eqmotions={'SanFernando1971VenturaBlvdBasement15250LosAngelesCalN11E'}; data=load([eqmotions{1},'.dat']); t=data(:,1); dt=t(2)-t(1); xgtt=100*data(:,2);
Calculate the Fourier amplitude spectrum
Apply OpenSeismoMatlab
Plot the Fourier amplitude spectrum
Initialize figure
figure() % Plot the Fourier amplitude spectrum on page 12 of the above reference plot(S1.freq,S1.FAS,'k','LineWidth',1) % Finalize figure grid on xlabel('Frequency - CPS') ylabel('Fourier amplitude spectrum - cm/sec') ylim([0,200]) xlim([0,25]) drawnow; pause(0.1)
Plot the Fourier amplitude spectrum in logarithmic scale
Initialize figure
figure() % Plot the Fourier amplitude spectrum on page 13 of the above reference plot(log10(S1.freq),log10(S1.FAS),'k','LineWidth',1) % Finalize figure grid on xlabel('Log of frequency - CPS') ylabel('Log of Fourier amplitude spectrum - cm/sec') ylim([-2,3]) xlim([-2,1.5]) drawnow; pause(0.1)
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 by George Papazafeiropoulos
- Major, Infrastructure Engineer, Hellenic Air Force
- Civil Engineer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Email: