verification Rigid plastic sliding response spectrum
Garini, E., & Gazetas, G. (2016). Rocking and Sliding Potential of the 2014 Cephalonia, Greece Earthquakes. In ICONHIC2016 1st international conference on natural hazards & infrastructure June, Chania, Greece.
The rigid plastic sliding response spectra are extracted for various acceleration time histories of the 3 Feb 2014 13.34 EST Cephalonia earthquake. Three records are used: Chavriata (EW), Lixouri (EW) and Lixouri (NS). The oscillator is considered to be ideally rigid-plastic sliding on horizontal plane, as shown in Figure 4(a) of the above reference. The acceleration time histories that are used for the extraction of the spectra are plotted in this example and also shown in Figure 2 of the above reference [Chavriata (3 February) EW, Lixouri (3 February) EW, Lixouri (3 February) NS]. The rigid plastic sliding response spectra extracted in this example are compared to the corresponding spectra that appear in Figure 6 of the above reference.
Earthquake motions
Load earthquake data of Chavriata EW record
eqmotion={'CHV1-20140203E'}; data=load([eqmotion{1},'.txt']); t1=data(:,1); dt1=t1(2)-t1(1); xgtt1=data(:,2)/100; % Truncate the record ind=t1>23 & t1<33; xgtt1=xgtt1(ind); t1=t1(ind);
Load earthquake data of Lixouri EW record
eqmotion={'LXR1-20140203E'}; data=load([eqmotion{1},'.txt']); t2=data(:,1); dt2=t2(2)-t2(1); xgtt2=data(:,2)/100; % Truncate the record ind=t2>23 & t2<33; xgtt2=xgtt2(ind); t2=t2(ind);
Load earthquake data of Lixouri NS record
eqmotion={'LXR1-20140203N'}; data=load([eqmotion{1},'.txt']); t3=data(:,1); dt3=t3(2)-t3(1); xgtt3=data(:,2)/100; % Truncate the record ind=t3>23 & t3<33; xgtt3=xgtt3(ind); t3=t3(ind);
Calculate rigid plastic sliding response spectrum of earthquake motion
Coulomb friction coefficients
Apply OpenSeismoMatlab once for each record
S1=OpenSeismoMatlab(dt1,xgtt1,sw,CF); S2=OpenSeismoMatlab(dt2,xgtt2,sw,CF); S3=OpenSeismoMatlab(dt3,xgtt3,sw,CF);
Plot the acceleration time histories of the earthquake motions
Initialize figure
figure() % Plot the acceleration time history plot(t1,xgtt1) % Finalize figure grid on title('CHV1-20140203E') xlabel('Time (sec)') ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)') drawnow; pause(0.1)

Initialize figure
figure() % Plot the acceleration time history plot(t2,xgtt2) % Finalize figure grid on title('LXR1-20140203E') xlabel('Time (sec)') ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)') drawnow; pause(0.1)

Initialize figure
figure() % Plot the acceleration time history plot(t3,xgtt3) % Finalize figure grid on title('LXR1-20140203N') xlabel('Time (sec)') ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)') drawnow; pause(0.1)

Plot the rigid plastic sliding response spectra
Initialize figure
figure() hold on % Plot the rigid plastic sliding response spectra plot(S1.CF,S1.RPSSd, 'k-', 'LineWidth', 2) plot(S2.CF,S2.RPSSd, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2) plot(S3.CF,S3.RPSSd, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2) hold off % Finalize figure grid on xlabel('Coulomb friction coefficient (-)') ylabel('Yielding displacement (m)') legend({'Chavriata (EW)','Lixouri (EW)','Lixouri (NS)'}) xlim([0,0.5]) drawnow; pause(0.1)

Copyright (c) 2018-2023 by George Papazafeiropoulos
- Major, Infrastructure Engineer, Hellenic Air Force
- Civil Engineer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Email: